August 25, 2008

The White Rose

23rd August 2008 -18:20:29

[Blackish Rang]

On screen : 1 Message Received.

Hi dear...
The rose you gave me is in full bloom now [smile]

My Mom put it in a vase with some water that day, then it bloomed!

Zara - Read it with a big grin on her face.
Forgot that she was having tea with Grandma.


Really? then, can you take the picture Uppa?
So that, I can take a look at it - maybe in Friendster?
Can you? [hug]

Zara - Smiled and had her tea without realized
Grandma changed her tea to Cold Corn Juice.

[Blackish Rang]
On screen : 1 Message Received.

Sure dear. Already take the picture.
Will update and post it soon. [hug]

Yeah! Really happy with it.
At least that news make me cheer up today. [smile]

Thanks Uppa! You turned up my gloomy face Uppa...

-------[End of Messages]---------

So friends, did you realized something there?

Those messages really cheered me up that day.

I turned my fake smiles with absolutely big grin
when I got that messages.
[big grin]

I bet Eunice, Spymama, Neo, Princess Liyana can guess who's my Uppa there.

Eunice - He's the one who you asked me to Go For Him!
But, he is only My Uppa!

Spymama - Well, you said that he was charming that day,
even you blinked your eye lashes...[blushed]

Neo - My lovely friend who read almost all of my posts - you can find him, I know you dear!

Princess Liyana - Honey, he's cute right?.
Both of us really agree with that statement.

::Here's the picture of the bloomed white rose::

::Can u detect something in this photo?::
::Something that you can find in my old entry?::

P/S : Sorry because I posted this entry a bit late.
I need to wait for my Uppa to upload this photo.

8 사랑해 Kisses From You:

eunice said...

Er, something that can be found in your old entry.... I think the bear with the graduation cap? XD

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Eunice dearie...
Not that one~
You can look at my The Convocation Gifts post.

and I hope that you like the Awards For U dear~

Laxmana said...

sape ekk??? ;)

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Someone who is not the person that crossed in your mind now~


Anonymous said...

Spymama sent her spies to work..

the result is:
Andrew is your Uppa, that hem some charming fella that Spymama winked at the picture..

in his picture has your rose, your lovely Ashley the congratulation certs...

am i right, Zara? am i right? am i right? Spymama so excited!!

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

[let Zara think about it first]...

Spymama, you can find the answer in your blog!

Zulfaisal Bin Zulkipli/ TaraGraphika said... gifts...


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Nice gifts?


Not all from me~

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