January 14, 2009

Friend's Gifts

::Gift From K-X-Y::

Gifts seasons!
Currently, my room is full with sets of questions.
Nope, I'm enjoying it very much.
A workaholic perhaps.

...and I also got 2 sweet gifts from a kind women,
Kak Tirana.
Thanks a lot Sis!
I like it so much!

Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

Not only one pals...
I got two in a row...

Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

So, it's time to share the happiness!
If you think that I'm one of your friend,
no matter virtual friend, visual (?) friend, real friend,
grab this and spread the love.


::The Enigma is Taking A Break::

2 사랑해 Kisses From You:

Tirana said...

Zara..terimakasih kerana sudi terima dan menganggap kak tirana sebagai teman dan sahabat..

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Tirana :

Salam akak.
Aduhai..Zara yang patut kata camtu akak..

Terima kasih banyak2~

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