September 10, 2008

It's The Third One!

Why Sean is a bit slow right now?

By the way,
yesterday I was breaking of fast with some
matrix friends.
[Nabila, Mas, Haqim and Hanin]

We had so much fun,
and yeah, I'm gonna update about it as soon as
I get those photos from Bell.
[Bell a.k.a. Nabila - please drop those photos darling!]

...and yeah, I had bought a new compact powder!

::My stuffs::
From left : Blue, Green and Pink.

1st - Blue
2nd - Green
3rd - Pink [latest]

::The inside::

The reasons why I bought a new one.

1st- the mirror was accidentally "jumped out".

2nd - the things fell down, and looked what happened!
So sad lolz.

Just something that make me happy last night,
besides hang out with those friends,
My Uppa sent me messages.
I miss My Uppa as well as My Baby.

Uppa hope that we can manage to find the time to meet
during my program in Kuala Lumpur next week.
He said something about eating together again,
I miss that moment so much!

Uppa, Sarang Ne!

2 사랑해 Kisses From You:

Luth Textile said...

barang baru..
mekapla segak2 nohh...

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Luth Textile:

barang baru...
terpaksa beli deh~
dah pecah berdearai barang2~

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