October 2, 2009

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue....

Hi fellas!
Sorry for rarely writing here. But for sure, I miss all of you! Seriously.


So much too share but still I can't write a lot recently. Totally weird for a talkative young lady like me. The Eidfitri is cool, and I just love it. You may want to check some photos and it's all available in my Facebook.

Two photos here. I do laughing out loud after I have the second one. Crazy, indeed, but it's true!
Anyway, have a great weekend pals! Love you!

5 사랑해 Kisses From You:

Coffee Girl said...

Hi Zara! How r u! :-) TC yeah.

Yana Ismail said...

slmt bweekend :)heee

pusangkalye said...

aha---yes. why? we deserve an explaination. lol. is it because of the other blog? hehe

rAtu saLju™ said...

nape ko senyap jugak?...blog aku senget!

cleffairy said...

Hi Zara, I'm back in KL now. I really owe you thanks for suggesting me to stay in the Rose Cottage last week, cuz the place was really convenient for me. Summore, they provided b'fast and wifi... ahaha... that made my trip flavourful.(ok, other words, good for lazy ppl like me) LOL... if only I was not in a rush during the trip, I would have suggested us to meet up for tea. LOL... anyway thank you so much. =D

I've been VERY busy and hardly have time to breathe... and I see you're the same too? Btw, did you get placement yet by MOE?

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