October 22, 2008

Public Speaking and Class

The rest of the fellas who did not have time to do it last week,
delivered their speeches today.

Not all actually,
we still need to come tomorrow because we ran out of times.
But still, its okay for me.
Ms Fatimah's class never make me bored.

[Those young ladies who delivered their speeches today]

Midah as the time-keeper,
and Zara as the informal photographer.

::Some scenes in the class::

Bother my shoes and my ugly face there.
The class was too cold and can't make me even thinking.

The notes, questionnaires and My Lovely Wardah who gave me her
wedding card.
Gonna lose you to a good guy darling.

6 사랑해 Kisses From You:

Akira 思胜 said...

Public speaking is good, and it will help to develop personal interaction skill too!

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Akira 思胜:


That's right AKira-san!

ezo said...


dulu dapat b je untuk public speaking...

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...



bleh buat lagi len kali...

ezo said...

klu b x leh nak repeat atau repair paper..

c- ke bwh blh ar..

xpe la kan, next time aku wat yg terbaik...


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...



hoyeah juga!!

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