Well fellas,
since some of you really believe that I'm the assassin,
let me paint the real stories here.
I attended my last curricular activities
last week.
It been held in UTM,
at the Outward Bound KTR.
The first day is on T.O.T.;
that stands for Training of Trainers.
So, basically people,
we need to present and do all the modules that we've done before.
So, its kind of fun here and there.
[Am I right EZO?]
We have seven modules and 2 sections of students,
so basically, we went undergo 14 activities!
Not to say the "shocked" activities that been held
in the evening.
Lets see what we had that morning.
We need to stand or whatever they called,
the tent.
It was a big tent anyway.
1- Put the big tent on the base
2- Help each other please...
3- From The Back
4- From The Front
5- Mr. Omar Nuh : The Camp Commander
6- My Group Tent
Some of The activities in The Hall.
::The Trainees and Trainers Busy With The Activities::
::My Group Won The Module::
[We designed a fine handbag from the newspaper and
the rope]
::The Communication Module::
[Gosh, the talkative Zara been plastered!]
::Some photos that we snapped in the hall during and after the
last module::
Some questions for the last photo.
Answer it if you really concern.
Looked at the 2nd Row.
*Which one is Zara's Fingers and Zara's Sock?*
The last photo was me and Chun Kit,
the Treasurer from Section 2.
I'm treasurer for the Section 1.
27 사랑해 Kisses From You:
Zara dear!! Am more interested in ur photo editing skills!! XD What software u used to put the photos tgt?
And hmm..lemme guess:
Zara's hand - the one btwn red fingers and white sleeve
Zara's socks - blue stripe
Am I right? ;)
What software that I used ya?
Erm...I used some combination like Photoshop, ACD See and the basic editing skills.
I'm not that good darling.
How come you can detect it accurately?
I'm impressed~
ganbate ganbate~~waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa manyak nye ketinggalan..~~~~~!!!!!!!
A q r a m:
kau memang sudah tertinggal dengan jayanya...
Try tengok comment budak ezo...
wah....xtvt yang menyeronok kan....best
seronok la gak...[agaknya la]
waaa....susahnya nak teka jari tuh :D
nak teka kaki apa nya bro~ hehehe
sibuk sungguh ko yer.. pandai gak main kamera.. aku cam hampeh jer.. kamera pon 2 MP jer.. haha
sibuk in terms of what bro?
camera pon biasa jer la bro...
ampa dok bgambaq ja..
xjadik keja la dok tgkp gambaq
Luth Textile:
ala Luth...
tu sebagai tahap nak lepaskan stress tau...
penat giler mau ikut program jer...
emm emmm dan emm
Tell u I have never camped in my life before. But I wonder if this experience was considered as camping: We stayed at a campsite with two beds in the tent for a small sum per night at Florence in Italy. But then I think that kind of "camping" missed out alot of fun activities with a group of friends. And obviously, no campfire within the campsite that we stayed.
beshnye manyak gambar..
mesti happening gile kan...
kesian kena plaster mulut tu..
patutnya jahit terus je..
Hahah dear, u disclose some hints in previous photos la ;)
eg ur sleeve colour and trousers colour!
Any reward for guessing correctly? :P
Erm..herm..dan herm?
never camp before ya?
its ok...
let's go camp together...
i guess its can be considered as camping as well...
i dont have any campfire too~
best ek ezo?
kita berdua jer tahu...
sampai hati nak jahit mulut ku...
now i realized that...
prize ya?
need to give some hard questions next time...
only u who answer it...
love ya...
sampai ginjal dah nih..
sikit lagi nk sampai usus besar..
aku akan hupdate ttg ari kedua nanti...
skg pale aku pening wat assignmet..
sungguh ceria kanak2 riang ria ribena nih..muehehhehe
kanak2 riang ker kami?
emm blh awk calonkan diri sendiri pun blh
nanti saya drop kan message kat awak..
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