October 8, 2008

Don't Make Us Kill...

I was attended one CRAZY class this evening.

Let me stressed it here,
its NOT my CORE subjects,
its only ONE CREDIT subject...

I NEVER ever hate any of my classes.

...but this one?
It's really killed us!

I do really want to shout in the class!
I'm pissed off!

This can make all of us have "HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE"
at the end of this semester!

Seriously dude!
I never found anyone that can make the whole class
stressed in less than one minute!

...but this one?
Hell Yeah!

I tried my best not to curse people...
so, that's why I kept mumbled at the back with those fellas...

By kept did that to us,
its like treating us...

What I really want to do now is...

::let me think it first::

Got it!



...and much more actually...

so that I can do like this...


but to wait until the end of this semester...
I'm gonna be dead!

I just want my happy life back!

...and thanks for read how much I mumbled through here...
I just stressed a bit...
I miss my big grin...

2 사랑해 Kisses From You:

Johnny Ong said...

i noticed anor man u supporter again ....

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Johnny Ong:

Thanks for dropped by.
Man U's fan - ME...^0^

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